Tingley Estates Card 1
TINGLEY ESTATES CARD 1.tif TINGLEY ESTATES Lot 30- Permit to Tessler Co., Inc. to const res & attach. gar. with 7 16n rear {d, on____ Moana Dr. betw John St. & Loma Land Dr.___ lies. 8212_____5=26-2:_____ Lot l- Permit to Tessler Co., Inc., to conat res with 20 1 rear yard on Lot l, Tingley____!s!..i. 2_n_E!_ ~ ~l!. ~e!,w_J~~!.!!i!,l_:tt.!._____ Q,a,!e_!o.!.!5.'L___ 1-go::.5,!i__ Lot 31- Permit to W F Bouchard to const sing fam res with attached cabana to have S' rear yd, at 845 Moana Drive Res. No. 8706 1-19-55 Lot 7,- Permit to Fred Neyenesch to const res & gar, ea to observe 10' rear yd, on Wly side of John St. at the SWly end of the St. Res. No. 8878 4-27-55------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7- 6 mo. ext. to Res. 8878 ABOVE to Fred Neyenesch to canst res & gar to observe 10' rear yd, Wly side John St at SWly end Res. No. 9204 9-28-55----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Lot 3- Permit DENIED to Robert N & Dolly Benson to const res & att gar with 5' SB (10' req] on John St., on NEly cor El Mac Pl & John St. Res. No. 9187 9-28-55 ~ Lot 3- Appeal of Robert N & Dolly Benson sustained & Bd of Z A overruled on Res:-9T87ABOVE cc 129817 11-22-55----------------------------Lot 4- Permit to David & Esther Grimes to maintain 6' high rdwd fence with 0' SB, at a 916 El Mac Place, R-1 Res. No, 9296 11-23-55 Lot 2, Permit to Glen & Maria Gibbons to construct bedroom & bath add, to exist res., observing 10-ft. rear yard, at 919 El Mac Place, Zone R-1. Case No 494 6-1-56.--------------------------------------------- Lot 27- Permit to Wayne Smith to const bdrm & bath addn to res, to have 13' rear yd (20' req) at 821 Moana Dr., R-1 Case No. 1361 8-16-57