Tingley Estates Card 2
TINGLEY ESTATES CARD 2.tif TINGLEY ESTATES > ~ CARD #2 Lot por 6- Fermi t to Lee and Ina Bartell to erect 5' hi... solid fence obs O' SB from John of Lot where 12' is req at 4050 John St betw Moana Dr and Cal West Univ. R-1 C-4050 N.H. 4-26-61 St on Lot 27- Permit to Wayne C. & Barbara Smith to constr bedroom and batn addn over bedroom and batn addn to residence per by Variance C-1361, second story addn to also obs 13'rear yard wnere 20' rear yard is req at 821 Moana Dr. Zone R-1. C-5519 3-15-63 Lot 14- Beatrice C. Barnes requested a 1)1' x 20' patio addn to exist sin fam unit obs at closest point 13' in rear yard wnere 20' is req at 858 Moana Dr., betw Jonn St and Lomaland Dr. Zone R-1-5, WITHDRAWN C-11461 Filed 8-15-72 Lot 28- Permit to John and Dorothy Winkelman to constr. 256 sq. ft add. to exist. sin. fam. dwell. add. to maintain 41% cov. where max. 40% is perm., at 827 Moana Dr., btw. John St. Zone R-1-5 C-11845 (tJ, /1,) 3-8-73 Lot 18- Permit to R. B. & Mary L. Jordan to erect approx 50' of 8 1 high grapestake fence obs a O'side:yard on Nly prop line where max 61 hi fence is perm in required 41 interior side yard at 832 Moana Dr. betw Loma Land Dr and John St. Zone R-1-5, C-12414 N.H. 1-22-74------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 29- Pennit to Dennis & Krista Avery to convert exist gar of sin fam dwell to game room batn and sauna; addn to obs 10' rear yard where 20' is req at 833 Moana Dr. betw John st. & Loma Land Dr. Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. c-12822 9-27-74---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------