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Development Services

Torrey Pines Science Park # 2 Map 8434 Card 1

TORREY PINES SCIENCE PARK # 2 MAP 8434 CARD 1.tif TORREY PINES SCIENCE PARK, Unit #2, Map 8434 Cl ~q-S,, CARD #1 Lot 8- Permit to Torrey Pines Properties, Ltd., on Lot 8, Torrey Pines Sci Park, Torreyana Rd., Zone SR- to constr office bldg (1) obs at cl pt 20' fryd (2) pkg to obs 18' fryd. ~---!-t- ~D-g L-------------------C-15970-----------4/ I 1 /79----------- Lot 7- Permit to Jaycor Assoc. at Callan Road, Zone SR/HR, to constr a 65,190 sq. ft. 2-story office bldg with {I) a portion of 2nd level pkg structure to obs a 20' fr yd (2) 15' high access bridge to obs a 20' fr yd, (3) erect 130' of 15' high ret wall to obs O' fr yd, (4) 25' of 12' high ret wal I to obs a 13' int yd. c-16138 7/3/79 Lot 8- Permit APPROVED BY ZA to TORREY PINES PROP. LTD. to construct of office building: (1) to provide non-required parking spaces to observe 7' setback from a street reservation where 25 1 is required; (2) to result in 2,502 Sq. Ft. of landscaping where entire 25' in setback is required to be landscaped at 11095 Torreyana Road Zone SR & HR CJ6687 4/30/80 Lot JO, Parcel l of P.M. 9251- Permit APPROVED by ZA to IRT CORPORATION to construct a three-story 80,000 sq. ft. office building in phase one, and two future 40,000 sq. ft. office buildings, observina a O' setback from future street reservation where 25' is required, at 3030 Callan Road, Zone SR. Conditions. c-16920 10-1-80