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Development Services

Town & Country Hotel

TOWN & COUNTRY HOTEL.tif TOWN & COUNTRY HOTEL,f ~ Lot l- Permit to Atlas Hotels, Inc, dba Town & country Hotel to constr a 10 story 320 unit hotel obs 47'-6" side yard where 105' is req and 25' rear yard where 105' is req at 500 Hotel Circle North, west of Hwy 395. Zone R-5 see L-562 c-8976 2-7-69 Lot 1 '"'Permit DENIED as req to replace exist sign designating principal uses of prop, but APPROVED a sign with max area of 400 sq. ft. and max height of 40' encroaching into front SB area but not into 10' planting strip. To Atlas Hotels, Inc. C-9201 4-9-69 Lot 1- Permit to Town & Country Hotel, Inc. (Atlas Hotels, Inc.) to constr a two story ex- hibit hall obs an average of 27.85! rear yard where 105' rear yard is req; the rear yard must be increased 10' for each story that the tallest bldg on the lot exceeds two stories (the tallest bldg on the lot is ten stories), at 500 Hotel Circle North- betw Fashion Valley Road and Camino de la Reina. Zone CR. c-13105 6-6-75