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Development Services

Town & Country Professional Center Map 6102 Card 2

TOWN & COUNTRY PROFESSIONAL CENTER MAP 6102 CARD 2.tif TOWN AND COUNTRY PROFESSIONAL CENTER, MAP NO. 6102 l,)l> c1-..5 Jo ~ // .)- Portion of Lot 2- (Par. 2, P.M. 3058) ZA DENIED request of MISSION VALLEY, LTD FOR Amend- ment to C-19299 for property located at 1660 Hotel Circle North, Zone CO(FPF) C-19299 8/8/86 APPEALED to Board of Zoning Appeals on9/17/86- BZA MODIFIED decision of ZA, to DENY AS requested but APPROVED parking structure to observe a 30' rear yard. APPEALED to CITY COUNCIL on 5/19/76- City Council GRANTED appeal of Mission Valley, Ltd. & hereby modifies decision of the ZA to deny, as requested, but approve the request to allow a 30' rear yard where 51' is required & approved the access ramp to encroach into the front yard, subj. to conds. C-19299 5/19/87------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 2- AGREEMENT with Coldwell Banker, Lessee; to erect a 60 sq ft double-faced monument ground sign, 8'0" in height where grnd signs are not permitted; (2) sign to observe a 10'0" front yard where 15 1 0" is required; (3) to erect a 64 sq ft. wall sign where a 64 sq ft is existing and one wall sign only is permitted with maximum sign area of 80'0" sq ft- Located at 1660 Hotel Circle N. Zone CO(FPF) C-19848 1-22-88-Par_l_=-~r~-nas-orNrro-as-requesfea-nuf-~~~~ovrcr-w7cona-fne-requesf-of7llrssra~-v~ccrv~-rr~rrE c/o DOUGLAS ALLRED COMPANY, OWNER; COLDWELL BANKER, LESSEE to have 64 sq ft wall sign in addition to existing 64 sq ft wall sign, at 1660 Hotel Circle North, Co/FPF zone. C- 19848 1/22/88