Town Of Sorrento Card 1
TOWN OF SORRENTO CARD 1.tif TOWN OF SORRENTO---:~:-ya CARD #1 Portion of Lot 25- Permit APPROVED by ZA to SORRENTO LEASING COMPANY to (I) use the property for storage of construction sheds and miscellaneous storage providing no off- street parking where one-half of the total lot area is to be reserved for auto- mobile parking areas, driveways; and (2) maintain existing 6 1 high fence observing a O' street side yard setback on Flintkote Avenue and 0 1 front yard setback on Estuary Way where a maximum 3' high fence is permitted in a required 25' front and street side yard, at the northeast corner of Flintkote Avenue and Estuary Way, Zone M-IA. Conditions. fof 7?:f'21261as j1?8i~& Portion of Lot 8- Permit was considered by ZA to S.V.P. ISSCO VENTURE, A California Limited Partnership, to maintain 12 sq. ft. of signage on a freestanding 5 1-& 1 high wall, observing 7' front yard setback from current property line where 90' is established (200 1 setback from railroad right-of-way established by Record of Suv Survey Map #3840, located at 10505 Sorrento Valley Road, Zone M-IA. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a sign observing a 25 1 setback from the front property line. Conditions. C-18181 9-16-83