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Development Services

Township 14 South Card 1

TOWNSHIP 14 SOUTH CARD 1.tif 'IDWNSHIP 14 SOUTH.,y CARD #1 Parcel 1 of Parcel map 8367 being a Divison of Legal Division of Northwest of the Southeast c3pd.,portions of the Northeast of the Southwest and the Southeast of tile Southwest t Section 7- ZA APPROVED the request of HELEN L. DORRIS, avNER; JAMES Dill'lli, LESSEE to convert a garage to a store for retail, animal, heal th care products on a lot inproved with a horse boarding fann where such use is pennitted by Conditional Use Pennit at 13998 Old El Camino Real, A-1-10 Zone, with conditions C-20516 3/23/90 Portion of Section 20- ZA approved the CUP request of FRANK KNECHTEL to construct guest quarters where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only located at 5155 Shaw Ridge Road, A-1-10 zone. Conditions. C-20611 08/17/90