Treasure Hill Block 3
TREASURE HILL BLOCK 3.tif ILOCJC 3 j f) Cpfp- $ Lota 107 108- Permit to Roy M. Belen G. Elliott to conduct aD4 operate boarding boae tor 20 aged persou, ambulatory onl.1 at 1008 32nd St. Cond '1. Rea Ro. 5867 9-19-51 Lota 107 & 108- Permit to Boy Jf. &_Belen o. Elliot to maintain exist boarding bcaa tor retired persona tor ot 6 aabul.ator;y gueata at lo08- 32nd St. Zone R-2 to~ period ot 2 yrs to expire 7-8-59 C-1305 7-8-57----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------fota 105 & 106- Permit to Mrs. Helen Elliott, owner to coaetr & operate an So-bed convalescent bo.pital, located nortberly ot Broac1way betw ldse-,nt St & 32nd St. in tbe R-2 Zone. CUP 6811.2 3-16-65 ext ot tiae to exp 9-16-66 (9-22-65) ext to tiae to exp- 3-26-67 (9-21-66)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 107,108,109,110- deciaioa o~ IC in granting to tbe County ot San Diego is overruled alld toe appeal ot David Starcevic be and la bereby upneld. CUP to convert and opente women' in-town camp tacility between Bclgeaont Pl and 32nd St, pe,rtb ot Broadway St. and Soutb ot C St. Zone R-2. #277-PC "29-71-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 101- Pennit to Gilbert w. & Genevieve Hunt to (1) maintain converted garage as fam rm with wet bar and to provide required parking in front yard on Edgemont St, where parking must obs 15 1 front yard (2) to constr 3' x 81 closet addn obs 81 street side yard where 10 1 street side yard is required (exist dwell obs 81 street side yard) at 3165 "C" St, betw Edgemont st. and Edgemont Place. Zone R-2. Cond'l. c-13016 3-26-75