Tres Lomas Block 11
TRES LOMAS BLOCK 11.tif TRES LOMAS BLOCK 11 f Lot 14- Permit to Raymond & Marjorie Rayn to constr a 15'-6" x 28'-2" den and bedroom addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs approx 10' front yd on Cumberland St wnere 15' is reg; at 6170 Cumberland St betw Potomac St and Calle Tres Lomas. Zone R-1-5, c-11069 2-11-12 AMEND ABOVE to obs 8' street sideyard at closest point along Calle Trepadora c-11O69 2=23;72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 19- Permit to William R, and Terry J. Adsit, Jr. to erect 34 ft. of 3 ft. to 5 ft. high retaining wall. to obs 01 setback where maximum 3 ft. high wall is permitted in 15 rt.:front yard; at 2257 Calle Trepadora between Potomac and Cumberland Sts, Zone R-l-5- Cond'I C-12,361 N.H. 12-4-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 8- Permit to James E. Swanson to const bedrm, bath & family rm with bar sink addn to sln fam dwell, at 2320 Calle Tres Lomas, Zone. R-]-5. AGREE 2076 - 7-21-75 Lot 5- Applicant WITHDRAWS request of George T. Naves, Randall T. Naves et. al.- Family Jeanne E. Naves of 5'-6' privacy wall to follow property line 1' from sidewalk. Setback to be concreted over, level w/sidewalk where 3' hi wall is allowed; (1) to construct a max 6'-0" hi solid fence within the 15'-0" req. FY; (2) portion of said fence within visibility area, located at 2250 Calle Tres Lomas, Rl-5000 zone. C-20787 5/31/91--,