Tres Lomas Block 12
TRES LOMAS BLOCK 12.tif TRES LOMAS Block 12 d\ 1,0 S q r Lot 36- Permit DENIED to AG Winn & Edward J & Meta B Pickering to split sing fam res on ea, NEly side of Calle Aguadulce, 125' S of Calle Res. No. 7912 (An appeal was filed on ABOVE Res. but no motion was carried) into 3 par & Tocon, R-1 12-3-53 Lots 1 to 23, Johnson, Tyson & Lynds to build sin fam res with att. gar. on each parcel per map on pg 193 S-lq6-A to 1q6-S 2-9-54 const / Por Lot 35- Permit to Wm & Marguerite Lahey to const sing fam res on SW cor Calle Tocon & Calle Aguadulce, cond'l, R-1 Res. No. 8582 11-10-54 Lot 34(exc Wly- 321)- Permit to Joe E. Richmon to const a sing fam res on pe,r split out prior to 12-.5-~ but after zoni:Dg, at the SEly end of Calle Tocon.(cond.1)--------------------- Res. No. 9913- 6-22-55 Par M- Pennit to Moran Const Co to maintain exist res with att gar, gar having 2 1 11" side yd (5 1 req) at 24.66 Calle Tres Lomas, R-1 Res. No. 9264 10-26-55 Por Lot 37- Permit to Franklin Kral to const res on parcel on Calle Aguadulce betw Roanoke & Cumberland, R-1, cond'l____ Case No. 708 8-20-56 ~----Por 37- ~it to Walter-R:-&ursulaH:-eo1e, Jr.-to~;t-ns & gar;~ctlle Aguadulce, betw Roanoke & Cumberland, R-1, cond'l Case No. 910 12-14-56,, /--------------------------------------------------------------