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Tres Lomas Block 14

TRES LOMAS BLOCK 14.tif--TRES LOMAS BLOCK 14 Lot 45- Z.A. considered appl of Jonn L. & Pauline Neel to constr ret wall ranging in nt from 3' to 4 1 6" obs O' SB on Wincnester St. wnere avr SB of the block, 15' is rea_, and has DENIED 4 1 6" nt, but APPROVED 4' nt., at 61 74 Winchester St. betw Roanoke St and Calle Seren Zone R-1. Cond'l. c-4714 2-21-62 Lot 45- Permit to John & Pauline Neel sin fam res; gar to obs 61 & 81 rearyd room-dining room and alter interior of R-1 Zone. Cond 'l. to constr 720 sq. ft. detached gar at rear of exist wnere 25' is req; and add 5' to front & side of liv res obs all yd req, at 6174 Wincnester St. c-4931 6-1-62 Lot 38- Permit to Wm. c. Sabo to constr den and bath addn to and extend liv room of exist sin fam res; addn to obs l' to 2' street side yd on Winchester St. wnere 10' st side yard is req, at 2491 Calle Serena, NE 'cor Calle Serena & Winchester, Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. Lot 27- Permit to Leola of piano and organ music to 8 P.M., at 2405 Calle cond 'l. C-7419 11-9-65 Townsend to use liv room in exist sin fam dwell for the teaching to approx seven students each day, Monday thru Friday from 2 P..M. Serena betw Cumberland and Winchester Streets. Zone R-1-5. C-11424 9-1-72 Lot 38- Permit to amend yard variance C-7419 to construct den & bath add to & extend living room of exist single-fam dwell; add to obs l '-2 1 st side ~ard on Winchester St., at 2491 Calle Serena, Zone R-1-5. Cond'J., for Wm. C. Sabo.------------------------------------------- C-7419 12/28/78------------------------------------------