Tres Lomas Block 8 Card 2
TRES LOMAS BLOCK 8 CARD 2.tif,- ~, TRES LOMAS BLOCK 8 t CARD NO. 2 Lot 12- AGREEMENT with James F. and Janet E. Gleason to construct a second story addition to an existing one-story residence. The addition to consist of a family room with full bath and a bar sink. The only access from a spiral staircase directly off the kitchen. Exterior access to be permitted since UBC requires 2nd access when spiral stairs used to access area over 400 square feet in area, at 6211 Cumberland Street. Zone Rl-5000 Agreement# 5084 8-5-91 Lot 12- AGREEMENT with JAMES F. AND JANET E. GLEASON to construct a second story addition to an existing one-story residence, The addition to consist of a family room with full bath and a bar sink. The only access from a spiral staircase directly off the kitchen. No exterior access, located at 6211 Cumberland Street, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT NO. A-4908 2/26/91