Triumph # 4 Card 1
TRIUMPH # 4 CARD 1.tif. 114 0 \::l-., 1-, ClrnL-r-t{'l-10- 7.2.),,,;,= ~TR::=IU:::,;MP::..:;H~di.:i:4 s,C\~' \;) ~~ \,0- Amended 519166 {l~ 10-;?3 'ii7 ~:Ii,'f/1 Lot 249- Permit to.Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church to const a church plant on a 3't lot, according to plans on file, including Christian Education facilities, where sing f res on lot of record is perm, on Mt. Abernathy Ave., northerly of Printwood Way, R-1-5 Zone, condl~~:;t{-:i.(l-yr;,__ lt;,-..2_ 0 ~_ x_as~~ 6931_-/)o_ n~l/27/,6593_ JJ::tU._ ~,.._::1:.2.J,~fi...--~---5..------~___-2-.;.:;.______.v.:---'..t-~~----Z;..._ Pare 1 A, P~rt~on~o7i'-Lot 2~2 \and.all of Lot 57 in Unit #12)-.lond'l use penuit to Rule,Association and Martin &.t.n1d lileich,owners, and E, Clairemont So, Bapt, Gh, (ll.ev, Lee ~herrard),purchaser, to constr, new sanctuary to seat 450 persons; exi t, bldgs. to b~ converted to educ, space; new ~anctuazy to be used for public 1oOrship on Parcel A, Div .Plt.!t65 at 4633 Doliva Vr, between Doliva Ur, & Birkdale Way, Lione 1'-1-5, Case No, 6995 3/8/65. Lot 210- Permit DENIED to Capt. Thomas F. & Bettie E. Kowlaki, Sr., to const fam rm 101 x 3216" to rear of dwell; addn to obs-16 1 rear yd, where 20 1 is req, at 5597 Birkdale Way betw Printwood Way & Mt. Abernathy Way, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8591N.H. J-25-68---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 209- Permit DENIED to Waldo R. & Larraine M. Robinson f'or perm to constr a 20 1 5" x 191 libing room and an 18 1 x 13' bedroom addn to existing sin f'am dwell, addns to observe all yards but to result in, as amended, 42,5~ coverage, where 40~ is perm, at 5605 Birkdale Way between Mt, Abernathy Avenue and the cul-de-sac in the R-1-5 Zone. C-12,274 N.H. 10-26-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------