Triumph # 7 Card 1
TRIUMPH # 7 CARD 1.tif TRIUMPH# 7 Lot 387- Permit to Ama~ Associates to const sing fam res cor obs 161 rearyd where 20 1 is req, at 6541 Cheames Way, Case No. 5671 card /fl,.r on lot with por or R-1 Zone. 5-15-63-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 390- Permit to Charles Trout to convert por of exist patio to den, result in dwell obs~ 10 1 rear yd where 20' is req, per revised plans dated 9-19-68 on file, at 6542 Cheames Way," 200 1 east of 4600 blk of Cannington Dr., Zone R-1-5.__ q.h!/4~~~--Ll;~f=~-'t)--------------------~~~:-~~:-~~~:______________:::'::~~---- Lot 410- Permit to George and Ruth Metz to constr a bedroom, den and patio addn to existing sin farn dwell; bedroom addn to obs a 16 ft. rear yard whee 20 ft. is req and resulting in approx 43% lot coverage where a max 40% is perm, 4712 Berwick Dr, hetwn Printwood Way and Arundel Place, Zone R-1-5- Cond'l.,L C-12,969 N.H. 6-28-73 Lot 407- Permit DENIED to Mike & Pam Killion to constr 16 1 x 20' fam nn addn to exist dwell; addn to obs 9' rear yard where 20' is required, at 4742 Berwick Dr betw Printwood Way and Arundel Place, zone R-l-5. c-13021 3-26-75