Triumph # 8
TRIUMPH # 8.tif TR I UMPH UN IT #8 Lot 446- Permit GRANTED to Paul W. & Carolyn Kepple to construct 420 sq. ft. family dwelling, corner of addition to encroach 4 ft. into required 20 ft. rear yard; 4515 Berwick Dr. bet. Boxford Dr. and Arundel Pl. Zone R-1~5 Case No. 8223 (N.H.) 6-27-67 Lot 475- Permit DENIED to Louis & Doris Turano to erect 77 ft. of 5 ft. high wood fence observing at closest point a 3 ft. setback where 3 ft high fence if permitted in est. 5 ft. setback at 4428 Berwick Dr. bet. Bettyhill Dr. & Balboa Ave. Zone R-1-5; but APPROVED approx 50 ft. of sol id 5 ft. high fence to ob 3 ft. st. side yard, per plans, dated 8-16-71 on file. Case No. 10731 (N.H.) 8-17-71 Lot 460- Permit to Goeffrey & Dorothy Williams to constr bedroom and fam room 14'-6" x 28'-0" addn to exist sin fam res; addn to obs 17 1-6 11 rear yard wnere 20' is req at 4632 Berwick Dr betw Cannington Dr and Printwood Way/ Zone R-1-5. Condl. C-11351 N.H. 6-26-72 Lot 470- AGREEMENT to Hector and Patsy AMARO to construct 2-story addition with bar sink in second floor family room, at 4520 Berwick Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2481 8-24-79 Lot 64- ZA approved request of GLORIA J. MARTIN to use existing SFD as a residential care facility for 3 developmentally disabled persons betwn ages of 15 & 65 at 4635 Berwick Dr., zone R-1-5. C-18381 4/6/84 th1t~2-Ji/-$ 5