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Development Services

Triumph Annex #2 Card 1

TRIUMPH ANNEX #2 CARD 1.tif TRIUMPH ANNEX #2 sf)\~ $ ~ 'I CARD #1,~ ' Lot 18- z. A. considered application of American Housing Guild, owner, & J. Ralph Wiesehan, lessee, to erect and maintain for a period not to exceed one year, one 8 1 x 16 1 double-faced,)directional, ground sign back of SB advertising "Colony West" homes for sale in new subd. located on east side of Cannington Dr., approx 600 1 N of Balboa Ave., at Nltl cor of Balboa Ave. & Cannington Dr., Zone R-4; & has DENIED the 8 1 x 16 1 sign, but APPROVEI> a 4 1 x 8 1 sign, condl. Case No. 6220 2-13-64 v Lot 17 & Por of Lot 16 (Par "D D.P. H86)- Permit to Judson Investment Co. & Jefferson /DeveloJXllElnt Co. to maintain exist double-faced unlighted 4 1 x 8 1 ground sign adve_rtising...._ Balboa Apts, top of sign 8 1 above ground, at 6525 Beadnell Way-, Zone R-4, condl. (lf-,U,'I-nc-4-..,) ~~1:.':~-5.L~~~--2..:_!~:2_.:_:P_~2:?~.J.?:~.?1Li~~~WJ-..,43.W--:i.$~66_ Lot 12{Westerly 83.34 1)- Permit to MANNING N. & MERRih A. BARBER, purchasers, & JUIBON INVES'lMENT co., owners, to const 3000 sq ft dental clinic on premises furnishing 10 off- street parking spaces w/one space to be obstructed where all spaces are req to open directly on aisle or driveway w/access to public st- 6200 Blk Balboa betw Mt. Aba:-nathy Ave & Cannington Dr, Zone R-4, condl.----------------------------------------------------------__ Case_No._7667_____ 5-11-66________ Lot 12 (Parcel B, D.P. dl25)- Permit to Mission Village Center to erect and maintain for a period on one year, one 4 1 x 81 sing faced, unlighted sign facing Balboa in back of 15' SB, sign to advertise "Balboa Green Sub., at 6215 Beadnell Way & Cannington Dr., Zone R-4, Cond'l. [~_:-no:.~~~)-----------------------~=~~-~~:-~~~~-~:~:--------~=::.:=~~----------