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Development Services

Triumph Annex # 2 Card 2

TRIUMPH ANNEX # 2 CARD 2.tif TRIUMPH ANNEX #2 Card #2 Lot 12, par B; Lots 13 & 14 & Par C of Lots 15 & 16, DP 125, 88,86 (Map 5093)- Permit to Mission Village Center to constr a 94 unit apt bldg providing off-street parking spaces in front yd on Balboa Ave. obs O' from p.l. ~ 10' from curb line, where 3' from p.l. & 18 1 from curb line is req at 6300 blk Beadness Way betw Cannington Dr. & Mt. Abernathy Ave. in the R-4 zone, condl C-9516 N.H. 10-10-69 #! Lot 16- Permit to Mission village Center to maint 1 dble-faced, free-stand, unlited, 8' x 20' ID sign, overall nt 12;, where max 40 sq ft ID sign is perm; sign to obs l' SB on Balboa Ve, where 15' is estab at 6200 blk Balboa Ave betw Mt. Abernathy Ave & Canning- ton Dr., Zone R-4, condl-: ~ 1::,--f. <?r,_ t,- i- 71_{i-u.- 71; (,i-flf-]f-7'2,,;: &t,L)______ C-9859_____ 5-21-70___________ Lot 12 (Par A, of> 125)- Permit to Barber & Barber, Inc;:, to constr 1150 sq. ft. addn to exist dental office (I) addn to obs 8 1 SB on Balboa Ave where 15' estab (exist nonconf bldg now obs 8'SB); (2) to main 10 pr,.g spaces where 16 req includ new addn (I exist tandem perm by C-7667); (3) main 75 sq. ft. landscaping on Beadnell Way where landscaped area equal to 10 times the lgth of prop adj to st (830 sq. ft.) ls req; 6215 Beadnell Way, Zone CO. ~ond 1 1 t~.,,,,,.J!_. t;J.g--Jc. C-13276 10-9-75 Lot 12- Permit to Barber &-(~rber, Inc. to const 1150 sq. ft. addn to exist dental office; (I) addn to obs 8 1 SB on Balboa Ave where 15' estab (exist non-conf bldg now obs 8 1 SB) (20 to main 10 pkg spaces where 16 req includ new addn (I exist tandem perm by C-7667) (3) to main 75 sq. ft. of landscapin~ on Beadnell Way where landseaped area+ to 10 times legth prop adj to st (830 sq. ft req), 6215 Beadnell Way, Zone CO AGREE #2114 11-6-75