Twain Heights Card 2
TWAIN HEIGHTS CARD 2.tif '!WAIN HEIGHTS ll ""IIIF CArd #2 Lot 69- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Sparks to maintain and complete constr of addn to patio attached to rear of dwell with direct access thereto; exist patio & addn obs 5' rear yard where 20' is req at 6092 Hodson St. Zone R-1. Cond'l. C-5010 6-3-62 Lot 77- Z.A. has considered appl of Wm. & Billie Billings to constr 15' x 23' fam room addn to exist sin fam res; addn to obs 17' rear yard where 20' rear yard is req at 6083 Mohler St. betw Twain Ave. & Elsa Rd., Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the req and the addn is to be completely removed or the constr altered to comply with the req of the Zoning Div & the req of the Inspection Dept.; by compliance with the req of the Zoning Div shall be understood to mean that is this addn is to remain it will be classed as a sunshade structur and shall be used or designed to be used as a shelter for recreational or outdoor living purposes accessory to the sin fam dwell; compliance shall be affected within 30 days of the date of the filing of this res. c-6751 11-3-64 9---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 78- The Z.A. considered the request of John & Joanne Potts to maintain 818 sq. ft. patio obs O' int sideyd and 8 1 rear yd, where 4 1 interior sideyd and 20' rear yd is req if accessory structure is more than 30' in length and is not in back of the front 70 1 or entirely within the rear 30i of the lot, at 6093 Mohler St betw Elsa Rd and Twain Ave. Zone R-1-5, and has DENIED as req but APPROVED 8' rear yd where 20' is req and APPROVED A 3 ' INTERIOR SIDE YARD WHERE 4" IS REQ. Cond '1. C-12211 10-4-73