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Development Services

University City #1 Card 2

UNIVERSITY CITY #1 CARD 2.tif tnllVE:RSITr Cl'l'r NO. 1 Card 1/2 Lot 10- ZONING ADM DECISION (Except signs) APPEALED Decision overruled and permission granted. c-4396 12-11-61 Lot 84- DENIED request to Kirby Hughes, owner & Univ. City Inc., lessee for an 8 1 x 16 1 ni sign but APPROVED max 8 1 x 8 1 x 12' high sign obs O' SB from Regents Rd. (15' req) for a per not to exceed 1 yr (max 8 sq ft sign perm) aone R-1, SW cor Pennent Way & Regents Rd. condl C-5825 & 26 8-15-63 Lot 10- Permit to University City, Inc to maintain for a period not to D exceed 1 yr one l' x 2'4" model ID sign obs l' SB where 15' is req; sign to be used in connec with sale of new homes in University City #4, at SW cor of Pennant Way & Honors Dr. Zone R-1 condl c-6192 1-2-64 Lots 10 & 139- Permit to Univ. City Inc. to const sin fam dwell to be used as 1 model home on Lot 139; to maintain model nome with sales off in gar on Lot 10' with one 8 sq ft & one 4 sq ft sign on glass doors of sales off & 1 4' x 8' dbld-faced ground sign ident. sales off with 2 pennants above sign approx 9' above grade on Lot 10' to omaintain one l' x 2'4" model ident sign on Lt 10 obs l' SB; to erect one l' x 2'4" sign approx 9' above grade on Lot 89 obs SB; to maint three 20' hi poles with pennants att in parkway adj to Lot 10 & three 5' hi pennant poles on Lot 10 back of SB; model homes, sales of signs, etc., to be maintained for a period not to exceed 1 yr, in connec with sale of new homes in adj sub Univ. City #4, at Pennant Way & Homors Dr. Zone R-1, where sin fam dwelling on lot of record at time of zoning is perm condl c-61139 1-2-64