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Development Services

University City #1 Card 3

UNIVERSITY CITY #1 CARD 3.tif tmlVER3ITY CITY UNIT J /11 Card #3 Lot 29- AGREEMENT #1437 to Bennett & Ann Weinbaum to conatr fam rm add w/bar sink to exist sin fam res at 5529 Stresaman St. 7-14-66 Lot 1-5- Permit to Swan Constr. to complete const of sin fam res on Lots 1-4 to be used for a period of one yr as model homes for "Univ. City Hyde Park", a new subd sales office to be located in the gar of res on Lot 4, & Lot 5 to be used temporarily for customer parking lot; one 2'x3' unlighted, sing-faced, ground ID sign for each lot & one 4' x 8 1 double-faced unlighted ground ID sign on Lot l; where sin fam homes are perm; at 3000 blk Pennant Way betw Regents Rd. & Ha11ors Dr., Zone R-1-5 condl 7-12-68- EXPIRED- no exten. granted c-8142 N.H. 5-12-67 Parcel 2, R.O.S. 6351 of Lot 89- Permit to G,M. & Ann Bowman to constr sin fam res obs 12' SB on Pennant Way, where a 15' SB is es tab; at 58o5 Honors Dr., NE corner of Honors Dr. & Pennant Way, Zone R-1-5 C-8594 N.H. 3-12-68 Lot 84- Z.A. considered appl of Carl J. SWanson, own & A,R. Wylie Sign Co.,,lessee, to erect & maint for a period of l yr, one free-standing, double-faced, directional sign, overall height 10', display area 4 1 x 8'; sign to obs 3' SB on Pennant Wey & Regents Rd., where 15' has been established on both streets & where only sign offering premises for sale or lease is permitted at 3068 Award Row, Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the appl as req but APPROVED the sign, a max ht of 10', obs 3' from property line on Pennant Way & 8' from property line on Regents Rd., eo?dl,_ C-9609 NH 11_19_69 ~ do //... I,r-- 7 I (/o- so-?o) Uc)) 6.,_,,.__--'Z.--.~-1:7/.,_: 1 1/7"/-~;;~___ 4 II- 1f- 7J... (10-...:.9- 71)...::22__,.c;,- "I- 7'1 C /,1.- S--- 7J