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Development Services

University City # 3 Card 1

UNIVERSITY CITY # 3 CARD 1.tif Tl'. UNIVtRSITY CITY NO. 3 CARD 1tl lots 95, 120, 126, 130, 135- Permit to University City (Norman R. Smilth VP) to erect & maint for 1 yr to expire 8-31-61, 1 temp unlited 611 x 1611 intersec liX sign st sign on each lot at Soderblom Ave. & Court & Quidde Ave. & Ct. R-1 C-3529 8-19-60 lot 98- Permit to Dr. Wayne L. & Susan A. Heath to erect 5' hi glass fence on top of exist 4 hi retaining wall with roof on top for windbreak around swimmingjpool, resulting in structure exceeding 30' in total length obs Z' rear yd where 20' rear yd is req, at 3614 Bloch St. betw Quidde St. & Soderbloom Ave., Zone R-1-5. C-8957)4,H, 3-20-67---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 129- Permit to Harold & Mary Tall, owners & Gerald E. & Shirely A Miller, purchasers to const sin fam res obs 16' rear yd where 20' is req, at 2513 Quidde Ave. betw Bloch St. and Quidde Ct., Zone R-1-5. C-8464 N.H. 11-30-67 Lot 135- Permit to Conrad C. & Margaret J. Hoffner to constr a 20' x 14' master bedroom addn to sin fam res obs 12' rear yd where 20' rear yd is req, at 2430 Soderblom Ave. betw Soderblom Court and Blocn St, Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. c-10956 12-22-11 Lot 97- Agree 3660 that PATRICK J. AND IXYITI M CLARK renove exist. garage, laundry,bath; add two bedrocms, bathroan, laundry area on 1st floor, den, & bath on second floor & garage to exist. structure, exterior access thru 1st floor bedrocm area only 3-16-87