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Development Services

University City # 4 Card 1

UNIVERSITY CITY # 4 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY CITY UNIT NO. 4 lots 391- 397 plus pors of P.L. 1251,1252 & 1267 to const & opercte a 250 unit coop housingiRx dev. Canyon betw Regents Rd. & U.S. Hwy 101, Zone R-1 7 Card #1 ~-- Permit DENIED University City, Inc. on the north side of San Clemente CUP C-4441 2-6-62 Lot 413- Permit to Harry T. & Carrie E. Baker to erect 8% 6 1 hi grapestake fence on top of exist bank ranging frm 4 1 to 8 1; max ht. of fence & bank ranging frm 10 1 to 14 1; ht. above aver adj grnd level ranging from 8 1 to 10' (6 1 perm) at 5756 Honors Dr. betw Honors Ct. & Sandburg Ave. Zone R-1 c-4906 5-4-62 Lots 353-358- Permit to Univer.fsity City, Inc to const & maintain for a perod not to exceed 1 yr, six sin fam dwellings to be used as model homes, one on ea lot, with one 1 1 x 2 1 4 11 model ID sign on ea lot obs 1 1 j SB and one oval 8 sq ft di rec, double-faced sign obs 1 1 SB on Lot 354 with two 20' hi pennant poles in parkway adj to lot 354, all in connec with sale of new homes in new subd, at SE cor of Honors Dr. & Sandburg Ave., Zone R-1, where 15' SB is req, & max 8 sq ft sign advert premises for sale or lease & sin fam res on lot or par of record at time of zoning are perm, condl c-6190 & 6191 1-2-64 Lots 425 & 426- Permit to Robt. William & Harriett Mullis & Fremont & Al ice Peters to erect 5' hi lot 1 ine fence betw Lots 425 & 426 Univ. City #4, fence to be on top of exist retaining wall ranging from 3 1 4 11 to 3 1 8" resulting in fence 6 1 7" to S 6/;Jl" above average adj ground level where max 6 1 is perm, at5506 & 5516 Sandburg Ave. betw D?len Ave. & Pennant Way, Zone R-1-5 C-6685 8-21=64