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Development Services

University City # 4 Card 4

UNIVERSITY CITY # 4 CARD 4.tif UNIVERSITY CITY #4,. CARD # 4 Lot 460- Permit to Boris & Victoria Dinkovski to main 45' of 6 1 hi ret wall obs O' frontyd where max 3' hi ret wall As perm in 15' estab SB DENIED, 5436 Dalen Ave., Zone R-1-5. t-._J,,b_,,._l ~ "t-21'1 cfa <.-,.J.~oO{f-Jo-?i;)C-13419 N.H. 12-2-75 i=,_-~~~~----------------------~---------------------------------------------------------- Lot 472- Permit to Paul R. & Leslie L. Keith to const a 14'xl9 1/2' bedrm addn to an exs sfd; addn to obs 16' rear yard at 5492 Pire Avenue. Zone R-1-5. C-15505 NH. 9-27-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 392- ZA APPROVED request of GEORGE BRINE & KATHY ALLEN WHITTEN I I I to add a 450 sq. ft. room addn. to an existing one-story, single-family residence to observe a 5 1611 setback on Curry Place where an established setback of 15' is required at 5408 Honors Drive, ZoneR-5000, with conds. C-19059 1/10/86 Lot 391- Agreemnt w/Keith Branley & Sue Branley to-corist:ruct-oo=-stoiy-aacfitioii.-oroii.enJ@:: ~ roan, one den, one study, one closet, family room & attic w/outside access fran den and bedroan at 2882 CUrie Pl. Zone Rl-5000 AGREE 3621 1-5-87 Lot 404- AGREEMI'N with Larry & Claudia Grounds to construct h-xl additions to an existing single family hare, one additin to consist of a recreations roan with access thru the living roan and fran outside, secod addition to enlarge Jl'aster bedroan with a separate walk in closet, and den with separate access fran the Jl'aster bedroan to the outside at 5604 Honors Drive, Zoned Rl-5000. AGREE# 3894 12/22/87