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Development Services

University City # 5 Card 1

UNIVERSITY CITY # 5 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY CIT'! #5 (). Lots 609-612- Permit to University City, Inc to const 4 sin fam dwell & use as model bomes, one on each lot, with tract sales office in gar on Lot 609; and to erect one 4' x 6 1 sign on Lot 609 identifying sales office & one l' x 2' model ident. sign on each lot back of SB., all to be maint for a period of 1 yr, in connec witn sale of homes in new subd on Governor Dr., betw Dunant & Stresemann Sts., Zone R-1 condl c-468o 1-17-62 Lot 6o2- Permit DENIED William & Shirley Bidlake to erect 6 1 nigh redwood fence obs 4 1 SB on Dunant St. wnere 12' SB is estab (max 3' hi fence in SB perm) at 3o64 Fried Ave., Zone R-1 c-4979 6-13-62 Lot 529- Permit to Thomas C. & Doris Denman to const 240 sq ft patio with direct access to dwell; patio add to obs 10' rear yd wnere 20' is req on 3039 Renault St., SW cor Renault Way, Zone R-1 (Amended application) condl C-5485 3-25-63 Lot 613- Permit to Buford & B. Frances Tnacker to constr open patio add to rear of exist sin fam res witn direct access tnereto; patio add to obs 16 1 rear yd wnere 20' is req at 2951 Governor Dr., R-1 Zone, condl C-5592 4-9-63