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University City # 5 Card 2

UNIVERSITY CITY # 5 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY CITY # 5 CARD # 2 ' Lot 511- Permit to Univ. City Corp., owner, & Judson Associates, lessee, to erect,~ naintain for a period not to exceed one year, one single faced, W1lig;hted, post-mounted, 8 1 x 8 1 si,?n advert Flair Homes,a new sub, where max 8 sq.:ft. sirn offering premises for sale is:ierm, NWly side of' Regents Rd. betweer: fennant Way & Jo er nor Dr., Zone R-1. ZA DENIED L1e 1 yr time limit, but APPROVED tne 8 1 x s, sign for two months, conctl. Zone R-1. Case No. 5771 6-23-63 V--------------------------------------------------~--------------------- Lot 532- Per::iit to d 0,rold?-I. & Msrruerite Brown to "1air,te ir. 61 hi,c-h Jlock wall o s e1:.? S'.: or Lr.'!.ult 3t. w1ere 12 1 SB is- estRb, et JC15 Renn:~lt S:. betw '.LD& 1,:,ey::,; lle~.sult Fl, Zo,e R-1, cordl. Cs.e ~o. 5824 q-6-63 Lot;31- Z.A. considered ap;; of Wm G .::: Dorothy.t::. Cody to const.Jatio addn ooen on two sides to rear of exist s_:s fa~ res wit1 airect access theret~; p,,tlo addn to o::> s 3 1 rearyct, eav(;s to;,roj 2 1,;.mere 20 1 rear yd .:.s req, ot 3023 Re iault St,:::o:-:e R-1 ar,ci has ~Ei~~ED.3 1 rear yd, but AP.::'ROVED 10 1 re::>.ryd. Case Ne.::,3l4 3-5-63 1,-;t-51-1- FG;;it to Dr.iv. C:ty Corp., swrvJr'; 'CLiv.-City la'_or, l~-;;e~-to erect~,;,9.'.rtr: for a JEJrio, LcJt tD exceed 1 yr., 1 p8st '-:Jaunted, 1.a;lirj1teo., sii;le fsce,i, ',' 2L' di20ctiorEl si,r or Ci'c7. '~'cty, 8:~,ew s,.,b., ':nere fnax '} 3:~... ct. s:t~:r: o.f' jeri~ m Jrexises for,;}c.le lr; f)Cr:.:1, o.c: ~i8[;.0Lts J.d., bet1.-1 >)cn-"EPt "_}3~r--~:)ovefnc:-i Dr., R-1 lo."~e, cJ;-~dl. Case No. Scl2 10-2L;-S3 v--------------------------------------------------------------------------