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University City # 5 Card 4

UNIVERSITY CITY # 5 CARD 4.tif tfN!VERSITY CITY #5 L{7 U) Lot 534- Fermi t to Donald S. & Rosa lane Koenig to cons tr 22 '6 11 x to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 16 1 rear yd where 20' rear yd Reaault St., betw Renault Pl & Renault Way. C-9197 N.H. 3-18-69 /'f Card #4 i 15 ' 2 bedroolJ) addn r~ is req at 2967..' Lot 618- Permit to University City United Churc~, own & Patricia Ann Deaderick, Mary Lyn Bramblett & Carlene B. Hicks, lessees to use Sunday School bldg as nursery school on week-days only at 2877 Governor Dr., SW cor Governor Dr. & Stresemann St., Zone R-1-5 C-9502 9-26-69 Tof-6crr-_-Permit-DENIED-to-James &-Karmen-Frandsen-to-censtr-16 1-x-22'-fam-rm-addn-to- exist single fam dwell; addn to obs 81 rear yd where 20' is req, at 3054 Fried Ave betwea1 Dunant & Stresemann Sts. Zone R-1-5. C-11 073 3-8-72 Lot 559- Permit to Stewart c. and Ann Milne to constr a den addn with bar sin~ to sin fam residence at 2946 Renault. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #-2017 11-20-74 L~t-539-:-p~~;it-to-D~-Cr~ig-and-Joan-M~-Marv11-10-erecl-'91i~-0T"~~-~1~-~m1u-fenc~-~o-- obs a I' street side yard on Renault Street in 12' est setback when the rear property line abuts the neighbors front yard. 2944 Renault Place. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-148tl9 NH. 1-12-78.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 597- Permit to Frank & Phyllis Weltner to rm to res in 42.9% coverage. 3014 Fried Ave. 5-15-78. const a 22'x22' carport and a 10'x19' fam R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-15147 NH.