University City # 5 Resub Map 4859 Card 1
UNIVERSITY CITY # 5 RESUB MAP 4859 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY CITY, UNIT #5, Resub #i,t,t,.p4859 17.---..,,,..-- CARD #I Lot 573- The Z.A. has considered the req of Robert and Ona Burrows to constr an 18' x 14 1 ' recreation room addn to an existing sin fam res; addn to observe a 10 1 rear yard setback where 20 1 is req, at 2957 Fried Avenue betwn Honors Drive and Renault Way, Zone R-l-5 and has DENIED tha req as presented but APPROVED a 15 1 rear yard. c-12,215 10-9-73 Lot 528- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ALE. AND KATHLEEN A. MALLINGER to construct a 12' X 31 1-6 11 bedroom addition to existing single-family dwelling to observe a 3' side yard on Renault Way where 12 1 is established, at 3053 Renault Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17404 9-25-81 Lot 10, HOP was approved by SP, HOWARD C. PETERSON/OWNER, sought to establish a home occupation deviating from the operational regulations in that customer contact would occur at the home and that one employee would be employed on the premises at 8289 La Jolla Scenic Drive North, SF Zone 99-1205 1-31-00