University City Manor # 3 Card 1
UNIVERSITY CITY MANOR # 3 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY CITY MANOR UNIT if] <;o (b-> Lot 239- Permit to Joseph B. & Meredyth Devin to construct 16 1 x,.2 1 family room addition to exist sing fam residence; add to encroach 5' into the req 20 1 rear yd in one cor only; 2810 Arnoldson Ave., betw Bejer St & Angell Ave., Zone ~-1-5. Case No. 7698 5-25-66 Lots 269,270- AGREEMENT #1362 to Charles J. & Donna G. Hughes to: intall sink in dark- rm por of structure located on Lot 270 as accessory to sing fam dwell on 269, 2608 Angell Ave, Zone R-1-5 1/28/65-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 223- Permit to Cmdr. & Mrs. Harvey Humphrey to constr 15' x 22' fam rm addn to exist sing fam res, addn to encroach 7' into req 20' rear yd, at 2753 Angell Ave betw__ Arnoldson_Ave_&_BaJer_StL_Zone_R-l-5,_____ Condl,__________ case_No._8209____ 7-11-67_____ Lot 243- Permit to City of San Diego, owner & University City Little League, lessee, to develop leased por of lot with Little League baseball field with two baseball diamonds, 4 bleachers, and l concession stand, per p~ans in file, at 6102 Stresemann St., NW cor Stresemann St. & Governor Dr., Zone R-1-5, Cond 11.