University City Manor # 3 Card 2
UNIVERSITY CITY MANOR # 3 CARD 2.tif.. UNIVE:RSIT'f CIT'f MANOR #3,, ') Lot 230- Permit to c. J. & Marie McKinley to constr 14' x 15'-8" family room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 10' rear yard where 20' is req at 2855 Angell Ave. betw Bajer,St. and Arnoldson Ave. Zone R-1-5. Cond' 1. C-9348 6-24-69 Lot 243- Permit to Baldwin Co. for a Land Conservation Permit to develop the property at the southwest corner of Arnoldson Ave. and Stresemann st. Zone R-1-5. LC-58 4-22-75 Por Lot 243- Permit to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Da.v Saints, Purch and City of S.D. Property Dept., Owner to develop prop as a church facility, on the NW corner of Governor Dr. and Streseman St. Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. c-13051 5-15-75 Lot 241- to Robert W. & Diane K. Estus to construct 457 sq. ft. 2-rm addition to exist sin fam dwel; addn to observe 8 1 rear yd at closest point where 20' is req, loc at 2768 Arnoldson Ave, Zone R-1-5. C-13875 10-15-76 Lot 219- Permit DENIED by ZA to ROBERT E. & SARANNE WARNER to conduct two hour classes in computer programming in the home for three to six elementary school age children, Monday through Friday, afternoons, at 2780 Angell Avenue, Zone R-1-5, cu P 1 '7761 9-24-82