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Development Services

University Estates # 2

UNIVERSITY ESTATES # 2.tif UNIVERSITY ESTATES f? Lot 122- Permit to Clayton w. & Nina B. Snodgrass to construct detached garage 18 1 x 20' on lot with res obs 20' rear yd {25' reql 1815 Cross St. R-1 gar to obs all yd req 6 mos ext to exp 1-4-61 c-3oo6 12-24-59 Lot 125& Por. Lot 124 ROS 5433, Map 4055- Permitto John E. & Jean P. Davey to erect approx 60 1 of 5 1 hi ret wall with 5' hi solid fence on top ot obs a O' FY where max 3' hi ret. wall with 3' hi 5% open fence on top is perm. within a 5' estab. FY, condl. at 1841 Cross St., Zone R-1-5 Case 17320 7/9/81