University Heights Block 100 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 100 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 100 J- Card #2 Lot 20 (exc W2') & all 21-24- Permit to Star Beverage Co. to const 12' x 123' addn to exist truck shelter at 2030 El Cajon Blvd. Res. 7109 1-21-53 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to L.O. House to oper parking lot at 4338 Alabama St. condl Res. 8377 7-21-54 Lots 33 & 34- Amendment to Star Beverage Co. Res. 8377 ABOVE to permit Nanco Holding Co. to use the parking lot at 4338 Alabama St., condl c-1938 7-15-58 Lot 8 & por of 7 & 9- Permit to Edgar J. Thibault to const patio addn to exist res naving 18" side yd, & const 9' addn to rear of gar having O' side yd, 48 1 back of fr. p.l. at 4367 Florida St., R-4 condl C-2008 8-22-58 Lot 13 & N Lot 14- San Miguel Hospital Assoc. DENIED to use as park.tng lot for doctors and employees of HillsidelHospital at 4345 Florida St. Zone R-4 C-2199 12-29-58 APPEALED & Zoning Admin decision sustained & affirmed. C-2199 1-28-59 W90' Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Pietro & Rosa Corrao to construct triplex on rear of parcel, with exist sin fam res on front obs 2'1" side yd (3' req) & 10' Florida St. clsd adj. C-2479 5-1-59------------------------------------------------------