University Heights Block 100 Card 3
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 100 CARD 3.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 100 3 Card #3 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Sidney Wexler, et al, own; Sparkletone Photo Service Inc., lessee to maint use of prop as park lot for employees on premises at 2030 El Cajon Blvd & for company autos, W side Alabama St. betw El Cajon Blvd & Meade Ave. R-4 corxll c-4317 8-11-61 Lots E23' Lot 20 & all Lots 21-28- Permit to above to operate photo devel service, max ultimate employees 75, 52 at present, max 15 h.p. & to operate electronic componet assembly fac using 3000 sq ft of shop area, 2030 El Cajon Blvd. Zone c. c-4316 8-11-61 Also Miles-Samuelsen Inc. West, Lessee Lots 13-15- Permit to R.E. Graves, M,D. to use lot 15 for supplemental parking spaces accessory to medical bl~g use on adj Lots 13 & 14 at 4345 Florida St., betw Meade Ave. & El Cajon Blvd. Zone R-4 condl CUP C-8590 4-8-68 Lot 8, S21' of 7, N4' of 9- Permit to Dr. Warren W. Hamilton to construct a 10 unit apt dwell with parking in front to be 15' fran face of curb & 5' in back of p.l., where park- ing is req to be 18' from face of curb at 4367 Florida St. betw El Cajon Blvd. & Meade Ave., Zone R-4. C-9408 N.H. 7-17-69