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Development Services

University Heights Block 102

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 102.tif ~ UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 102 Lot 17 & 18- Permit DENIED to Robert & Josephine Zullo to conduct storage of product & empty crates & produce truck in 2 car gar across alley from C Zone, 4325 Mississippi St. Res. 5124 11-15-40 Decision overruled by City Council Res. 100403 11-30-50 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Mrs. Gertie Black to erect bedroom addn to exist non-conforming unit with 2' sidey, addn to nave 3' sideyd, one unit with 9' access, 4331-35 Mississippi St. Res. 6349 4-2-52 Lot 23 & Wll' of Lot 24- Permit to Geo. W. Stafford to construct a new com'l bldg with O' sideyd & remodel exist res which will obs req sideyds & attach to com'l bldg 2220 El Cajon Blvd., Zone c. Res. 8968 6-8-55