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Development Services

University Heights Block 108

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 108.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 108 Lot 29, S 100' of E 14' & S 100' of Lot 30 house at El Cajon Ave. & Utah St., SB O' Ir- Granted to Baldwin Bros, erect a display Res. 53165 3-3-30 Lot 23 & W 15' of Lot 24- Permit DENIED to Glennie W. Gay to convert exist gar & stge rm at 2820 El Cajon Blvd., into 3 sleeping rooms with a 1 1 611 sideyd. Res. 656 7-6-44 Lots 7 & 8- Permit DENIED to M. Brauer to alter gar into liv qtrs with O' sideyd at 4367 Idaho St. Res. 1068 8-20-45 Por Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Samuel A. & Nora B. Johnstone to const gar,max 13' x 24' att to exist res & have O' side & rear yd, SW cor Utah & Meade R-4 condl Res. 9126 8-31-55 Por Lots 47 & 48- Above Res. 9126 to Samuel Johnstone AMENDED to permit 13' 10" x 26' to be att to exist res & have O' side & rear yd, SW cor Utah & Meade, condl Res. 9174 9-14-55 Lots 1 & 2 (w47 1)- Permit to Theodore L. & Marie w. Stevens to erect approx 40' of 6 1 high solid wood fence in 15' front yds on both Idaho St. & Meade Ave. where max 3' is perm at 2801 Meade Ave. on the SE cor of Meade & Idaho Zone R-4. C-9345 N.H. 6-10-69--------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------