University Heights Block 114 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 114 CARD 1.tif-... ':if,,-....,........-...... UN!VERSI'n' HEIGHTS BLOCK 114 CARD #I Lot 1- Permit to Geo. R. Daley, own & Union Ice Co., lessee to erect & operate 81 x f> ' ice stg. & dispensing unit, at intersection of Iowa & Boundary Sta at Meade Ave. subj to final approval of tbe Planning Dept. as to architectural appearance & adequate landscaping. Res. 2763 12-31-47 Lot 1- Permit for the AMENDED request of Mark Tarpey, Owner and Frank W. Postnauer, purcn to (1) constr six-unit apt complex obs 10' front yd on Iowa St and 5' Front yard on Boundary St wnere 15' is req (2) to provide eight parking spaces obs O' front yard on Boundary St and at closest point 5' front yard on Iowa St. where parking spaces are req to obs 15' front yards (3) to provide a 68 1 curb cut on Boundary St- 4355 Iowa St, SE cor at Intersec with Boundary St, Zone R-4. Cond'l. c-11584 11-8-72 lots 5- 9- Permit DENIED by ZA to UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA to (I) maintain a 315 sq. ft. freeway oriented ground sign where maximum 150 sq. ft. would be permitted where there are two ground signs on the same street frontage; (2) observe a 0' street side yard at the closest point on Boundary Street where 15 1 is required to conform to setback requirements of residentially zoned property within JOO' of premises; and (3) result in a height of 85' where maximum 20 1 is permitted within JOO' of residentially zoned property, located at 3154 El Cajon Boulevard, Zone C. C-18006 6-3-83 BZA- APPEAL DENIED. UPHELD THE DECISION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. 8-1-83