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Development Services

University Heights Block 117 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 117 CARD 1.tif UN!VERSI'ri' HEIGHTS BLOCK 117..... I w of Lot 2 & all of Lot 3- Permit to Fredericka Groebli to erect an add of liv qtrs to a dwelling & store bldg wnich has no sideyd on the west side addn to obs required sideyds 3085 El Cajon Blvd. Res. 2846 2-11-48- W50' Lots 23 & 24 & W 35' Lots 25 & 26- Condl permit to Harvey Lewis to const 5 car gar 25' x 49' for storage of funeral cars in connec with mortuary at 3051 El Cajon, l' from 2 lot lines, no rear yd adj to alley, por to be used for parking, rear of 4216 & 4224 Illinois. Res. 5063 10-18-50 S18' lot 14 & N 16 1 of Lot 15- Permit to Solomon & Rose Kaplan to erect duplex in rear of exist sin fam res, making 3 units, 2 to be served by 9'4" access, 4221 Onio St. condl Res. 6593 7-9-52 Lot 4, E Lot 5,- Mrs. Loraine A. Neumann *Abell) own & L.C. Ellis, lessee to operate cabinet snop with no employees, max 5 np, 3083 El Cajon Blvd., Zone C- DEllED C-3561 9-1-6-60 Appeal sustained Z.A. overruled, to permit 5 np, nours limited 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. wks days only condl Lots 13-16- Permit to Lewis Colonial Mortuary & W. George Hubbard to use property for parking lot to service mortuary facing El Cajon Blvd at 4221 Ohio St. betw El Cajon Blvd. & Howard St. Zone R-4. Cond'l. C-l2968 4-11-75---------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------