University Heights Block 118
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 118.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 118 Lots 1-3- Permit to C.T. CLARK by ED JAMES, 4242 Ohio Street, to operate a whole grocery (case & carry) store in Zone C, providing no addns or enlargements are made to building. RES. 66614 10/5/37 Lots 9-12- Setback suspended- F.I. Brooks RES 41569 5/2/27 Lots 6 & 7- Permit for period of 30 days to S.D. Clock Co., to op neon illun clock at 3019 El Cajon Blvd. sounding chimes every 15 min. with a volume radius of 150 to 200 ft. RES. 68283 9/27/38 Lots 8,9,10,11 & 12 and west half Lot 7- Planning Director GRANTED CUP request of TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING INC. a Delaware Corp. to remodel an existing service station, located at 3001 El Cajon Blvd., CN-1 Zone. Conditions. CUP 91-0293 10/2/91