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University Heights Block 121 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 121 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 121:JI, Card /fl N5' of W40' of Lot 23; the w40 1 of 24; tne W40' & the Nl5' of 25 & all of 26- Permit to Bomer Lovell to bld apts on lot without full frontage on a dedicated street, 4266 Utah st. provided exist garage is removed. Res. 1532 5-9-46 Lots 20-22, exc E70' & W32' & the S20' of Lot 23, exc E70' & W32'- Louis B, & Minnie L. Evert DENIED permission to convert exist rumpus room which has 4 1 rear yd to living quarters at 2834 Howard St. Res. 5417 3-21-51 E70' Lot 22 & S20' of E70' of 23- Permit to Edgar R. & Yvonne Young to add apt to exist res apt to have 7' rear yd, J 4210 Utah St. Res. 6774 9-3-52 E60 1 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Mrs. Jean Bordner, own & Tyson Pontiac Co., lessee to oper parking lot, E side of Idaho, 160 1 S of El Cajon Blvd., condl Res. 7221 3-4-53 E60' Lots 13 & 14- Permit to continue oper of park lot to Mrs. Jean Bordner, own & Tyson Pontiac Co., lessee, condl E side Idaho, 160' S of El Cajon Blvd. for 2 yr. Res. 9039 7-20-55 Lots 13 & 14 exc E60'- Permit to Tyson Pontiac Co., lessee & Mrs. Jean Bordner, own to use for new ear storage, E side Idaho betw El Cajon Blvd. & Howard St., condl Res. 9326 12-7-55 ABOVE 9039 & 9326 ext of time to exp 6-30-58 C-1311 7-2-57 3 i yr ext to exp 6-30-61 C-1311 6-26-58 2 yr ext to exp 6-30-63 / C-1311 6-26-61 t...---- ~,__,..._:,;,-..,3{,"-~,S-~~ ~~?n- <-V-c..,~)