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Development Services

University Heights Block 121 Card 2

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 121 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 121 >-7 ~- Card If? ElOO' of Nl5' Lot 25 & ElOO' of Lot 26- Permit to Homer C. & Rilla C. Lwvell, own & John Hine Pontiac, lessee to convert por of exist gar for use as dispatcher's~ office and service mgrs office, in conj witn auto agency across alley inc zone, W side of Utah St., S of El Cajon Blvd. R-4 condl C-4o61 5-5-61 Ext of time to exp 6-30-65 (4-9-63) ElOO' of Nl5' of Lot 25 & lOO'(E) of Lot 26 = Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Homer C. Lovell, own & John Hine Pontiac, lessee to use apt over gar now converted to a dispatch office on rear of par as waiting room for customer's of automobile agency (See C-4061) where multiple units & limited Dre. offices are permitted at 4225 Utah St., betw El Cajon Blvd._ & Howard_ Ave.,_ zone_ R-4 -~#__ 15- 30_ 6...5-________ c-555(3____ 4-9-63___________ Por Lots 23-26- Permit to Harry J. Bordner, Will is A. Putnam, Jr., Rilla C. Lovell and Estate of Homer C. Lovell, Owners; and Lee White Toyota, Lessee; to maintain a service manager's office in converted garage with rental unit above o'!_/he~O blo_,c_~__,oJcl9 1 a_~) a,P~-1 ~tah Streets. Zone R-3A. ~o_nd it!,.o~s._ C0-1,51l5-1 ~:;-{-.78. '""~ "b_ "-'I_!'!-" 1~__,;1-cq(.:--4"1:.J..,,-r.V-.J.--~~--..Z:f__ l L L..J_.2!/..f... 4-L--ui:l""--~-~f-.-~--~ J..1;:..,__ 1.\.:.a.. L- Lots 13 & 14, and Portions of Lots 23-26- Permit to Harry J. Bordner, Willis A. Putman, Jr., Rilla C. Lovell, and Estate of Homer C. Lovell, Owners; Lee White Toyota, Lessee; to main lot for off-premises parking for new, used and customer automobiles. 4200 block ldahq, and Utah ~treets..J.___or__e f-JA: ~on~t_iQ[ls, C-15164. 8-7-78.__,.,/-\\-gu\_V:{J-..;_c:sf:.:,_-:ww___-uy.~___.L;J:..Jt:._..(_J_J..1.:.KO)___ ~i,._~~-~--~J_8~~-----"j- ~ t. "1J ~ ~~ c <.- I- i.s (~- \- i))