University Heights Block 126 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 126 CARD 2.tif tJNIVE:RS!Tr HEIGHTS BLOCK 126 Lots 20-26- Condl permit to 8.D.G. NW cor of Howard Ave. & Texas St. Ext 1-9-57 Lots 20-26- Permit to s.D.G. & E. 5' SB on Texas (15' req) condl Ext 1-9-57-Card /2 & E. to build & operate open air parking lot at c-481 6-29-56 to erect 6 cnain link fence around park lot witn c-482 7-9-56 Lots 1-8- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ANN L. CROW and DON L, & RUTH SHATTOCK, owners; McDONALDS CORPORATION, purchaser/lessee- to install two 2' X 18' (36 sq, ft.) wall signs extending 3' from building face, where maximum extension of 0'-18" is permitted- at 2319, 2333, 2345 El Cajon Blvd. Zone C. C-18339 2/24/84 Conditions