University Heights Block 128
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 128.tif UNIVERSITY' HEIGHTS BLOCK 128 Ely 61 1 of Lots 20-22 & Ely 61' of Sly 5' a beauty shop in residence at 2140 Howard to exceed 6" x 18" in size. of 23- Permit to Nellie M. Tubbs to operate St.; part time; no employees; & 1 sign not Res. 1396 3-28-46 Ely 61' of Lots 20-22 & Ely 61' of Sly 5' of 23- Permit, condl, to Nellie M. Tubbs to operate beauty shop in an exist bldg at 2140 Howard St. Res. 3031 4-7-48 Lots 20-22 & S5' of 23 R. & s. Maisch, owners conjunction with hotel condl- Permit to Spearl Ellison, purch & W.O. & M.C. Probst & Emil to const parking lot at 2136 & 2140 Howard Ave. for use in on E side Mississippi St. extending to El Cajon Blvd., R-4 Zone, C-2827 9-25-59 Lots 9-11- Permit to Kenneth H. Fog~ to erect 6 1 hi chain link fence with aluminum filler on Wly side of parcel, Nly 62?' to be on top of exist 2' hi free-stand wall located on top of exist retain wall O' to l' in ht; max ht 9', 8' above aver adj grd level, 2105 El Cajon Blvd., Zone C C-4283 N.H. 7-27-61