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Development Services

University Heights Block 129 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 129 CARD 1.tif-- UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 129 q, ~, Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Earl Byrne to make an add to a res at 4225 Florida st. with an 11'2" SB, Res. 867 3-1-45 Lots 13 & 14 & por Florida st. clsd adj- Permit to Clifford L. & Alice Scully, own & Safeway Stores, Inc. to use lots for parking in conj with grocery story, E side of Florida, betw Howard & El Cajon Blvd. condl Res. 7525 6-24-53 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Safeway Stores, Inc. to oper park lot in conj with store on El Cajon Blvd., E side Florida betw Howard & El Cajon Blvd., condl Res. 8354 7-7-54 Lot 15 & Nly 17' Lot 16 & S8' of E 75' of Lot 16 & por Florida St. adj- Permit to Robt. L. & Velma K. White to const sin fem res with attach gar on parcel with exist sin fnit with detach gar! exist gar located less than 70' frum frt prop line obs 6" sideyd (3' req) proposed const to obs all yd req at 4217 Florida St. R-4. C-3606 N.H. 9-28-60 Lots 9-14 & por Florida St. clsd, adj to Lot 12- Permit to Victor Schulman, own & Kelley-French Cleaners & Lndry, lessee to use exist structure on Lots 9-12 for cleaning and laundry business with max of 40 emp & 40 h.p. all equip; & use lots 13 & 14 for emolo~ee_p~rkiW?: 1n connec therewith; business trucks to be parking in "C" zone, at 2uil ~1 caJon R-4 & C where max of 10 emp & l.p. for laundries & cleaning estab is perm in C zone & parking for R-4 uses only perm in R-4 Zone condl 5 yr ext to W,--- 5-1-73 ~4-1-68) ~ c-5653 5-2"'.6~_ /. ~t7{[~ ft&/;:'_ 5-/-7tf f-J6-?3!_ 2;~,-'"'''Z ~ y.5-f-,.j. 7'/J?S!)