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Development Services

University Heights Block 133 Card 2

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 133 CARD 2.tif j UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 133 Card #2 Lots 6 & 7- Permit to D.J. & Maria Dianna to const sin ram res making 2 units, covering 43~ of lot with porch & stairs of exist res obs O' side yd on Nly prop line; addn to.obs all yd req 4273 Maryland St., R-2 condl C-4338N.H. 8-22-61 ABOVE- AMENDED 9-19-61 Lots 6 & 7- Permit DENIED to D.J. & Maria Dianna to make alterations to living unit under dwell at front on parcel with 3 exist units, with non-conform 18' rear yd for rear unit; 0' side yd obs by front unit; coverage 43~ (3' side yd, 20 1 rear yd req & 401, coverage perm) 4273 Maryland St., R-2 c-4540 & 41 11-10-61 Lot 6 & 7- AGREEMENT #164 to Steve Neumann to convert & bld room, a boarding & lodging house back to a sin fam dwell. A-164 2-20-42 Lots 29-32 & s} Lot 33- Permit to Adrian Marshall, Trustee for Adrian & Elizabeth Marshall, to const apt bldg with balcony to obs 12' front yd where 15' is req at 4226 Cleveland Ave., betw Tyler Ave. & Van Buren Ave., Zone R-4 C-8751 NH!' 6-28-68 Lots 43 & 44- ZA APPROVED request of CLEVELAND URBAN 7, LTD., A Calif. Limited Part~~~I ship, to construct a 3-story, 7-unit building to observe a 4 1 interior yard at 4274-~~ Cleveland Ave., zoned R-3 with conds. ~~7~ C-18196 9/30/83