University Heights Block 136 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 136 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 136 7 CARD #1 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to E.M. Foster to move a two fam dwell from 4065 Vermont St. to 1072 Hayes St., with 15' SB (total 3 liv units on prop. Res. 181 9-17-42 Lots 36 & 37- Permit to J.H. & Evelyn L. Dowd to erect a res, 125' east of 10th St. on Hayes St. with a 10' SB. Res. 1242 12-20-45 Lot 16 exc W25'- Permit DENIED to David Grant & Stewart Cruickshank, own to erect 3rd liv unit 4176 Vermont. Res. 4398 1-25-50 w Lot 21 & all 22- Permit to David & Helen Grant & Stewart Cruickshank, own & Jas Bernardini, pur to erect 3 units on the par, 1080 Hayes Ave. Res. 6881 10-1-52 Lots 28 & 29- Permit to Lem A. & Rose Hughes to construct sin fam res over garages, mak- ing 2 units on parcel, the gar to obs 5'3" SB & res to obs 18 16 11 on top of gar (aver SB of blk 18 1 611) 1054 Hayes St., Zone R-2 c-2338 2-27-59 Por Lot 16- Permit to Michael Kenneth & Anita Kelly to (I) const a 24'x30' two-story addn to an exs nonconf second unit on an R-1-5 zoned lot; (2) new addn to obs a 5' rear yard. 4178 Vermont Avenue. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-14815. 12-21-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------