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Development Services

University Heights Block 139

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 139.tif UNIVERSITr HEIGHTS BLOCK 139 ()\ '2 4 Sb--!,y Lots 30-31- Permit to E.N. Akeley to build a cottage not less than 10' from sidewalk. Res. 35385 10-5-25) Lots 30-31- Permit to E.N. Akeley to build a 2 story duplex, back 6 p.l. on Lincoln Ave. providing no garages are construct in front. Res. 63098 5-28-35 Lot 14 exc N40' & E 15'- Condl permit to put a dwelling at Lincoln & Maryland Sts. Res. 169 8-31-42 Nly 40' of Lots 14-16- Permit to M.W. Cunningham to const a 6' x 12' add to exist dwelling with no rear yd cost of add to exceed 5~ of assessed value at 1935 max coverage of 5 <>;, at 4117 Maryland St. Res. 4742 6-14-50 Lots 28-33- (Tenative Lot 1, Cantos Subd.)- Permit to Theodore J. Cantos, own & Aunt Emma's Inc., lessee to const comm'l bldg with 3200 sq ft plant on pri prop & 2400 sq ft on public prop incl plant strip av 10' around perimeter; bldg to obs 3' SB from Lincoln & 10' to 2' SB from Cleveland w/roof proj 4' over pub prop (10' SB req & 10' planting strip req)NW cor Lincoln & Cleveland Sts. Zone R-4 (Ten. C-1.A) condl AMENDED 3-10-64 C-5857 & 58 8-8-63 Par. lots 23, 24 & 25- request for fence variance by CLAYTON P. SILVER TABLED; wall in required front yard is max. 4'-8" high where max 6'-0" is allowed for lots which abut a major street; atl450 E. Washington St. C-20299 9-89