University Heights Block 140 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 140 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK.140 I) Card Ill Lots 1 & 2 (E35')- Fermi t DENIED to J.A. & Ellen S. Rhodes to conduct a pattern shop in an existing garage, 1517 Tyler St. using approx 3 h.p. Res. 801 12-21-44 Lots 39-42- to Travelodge Corp., Richard King, to erect 3' x 11' Travelodge sign on center pole, NW cor Campus & Washington Frewway. Res. 7182 2-18-53 Lots 32-35- CC DENIED request for Rezone from R-4 to C-lA intersection of Washington & Normal Sts. cc-166740 7-13-61 Lots 6-12- Permit to Rudolph & Betty Sokolowski to remove exist dwellings & const 3 story, 39 unit apt house on parcel, all units to be served by 10' covered access court fraiting on Cleveland Ave. where a double court minimum width 12' clear & un- obstructed to the sky is req at 4141 Cleveland Ave., Zone R-4 condl 6 mos ext to exp 4-2-63 6 mos ext to exp 10-2-63 c-4793 4-2-62 ABOVE- Amended to include installation of glass doors across entrance to 10' access court. 8-15- 62 Lots 4-12- Permit to Mr. Rudolph Sokolowski to const 39 unit, 4 story apt house with 5' balconies obs 10' SB from Cleveland Ave. on Nly por of structure & covering approx 611 of the lot where 15' SB is req & max 6CY1, coverage is perm at 4141 Cleveland Ave., NE corner Washington St., betw Washington & Tyler Sts., R-4 condl c-6317 3-5-64