University Heights Block 143
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 143.tif UIIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 143 0'1.. 1.\ ~b-'J Lot 27 &.S of 28- Permit DENIED to Nina K, Scott to const addnl unit to an exist 4 unit and por Florida St. court with 7'6" court as access, 4112 Florida St. closed. Res. 2108 3-13-47 Lots 1 & 2 (exc the S77')- Condl permit to J.C. Robertson & I.E. Paajanen to maint and operate now existing Old Age Boarding Home, ambulatory patients only with max of 6 patients at 4193 Georgia St. & 1901 Howard St. Res. 2124 3-27-47 Lots 1 & 2 (exc the E77')- Amendment to Res. 2124 to transfer the variance to the name of Theresa G. Driscoll. Res. 2741 12-17-47 S13' Lot 9 & all Lot 10- Permit to F.A. Kreutz to erect brick fence to max of 3' on concrete retain wall to max of 4', 4157 Georgia St. Res. 4013 7-13-49 Nly 12' Lot 28 & all 29- Condl permit to Saml. & Hope A. Solomon, to erect sing fam res, total 3 units, access court 6' 4118-20 Florida Res. 4227 10-19-49 Lots 11 & 12- Permit APPROVED the AMENDED, by ZA, to Eugene L. Baker to construct four- story II-unit apartment building observing (1) 7' interior side yard where 10' is required; (2) 10' rear yard for first level parking and 15 1 rear yard for second level parking where 21 ' is required; and (3) resu 1 ting in 58/o 1 ot coverage where maxi mum 50% isfermit~ed, at 4147 Georgia Stryet, Zone R-3A. Conditions. "t,,.j;. ~I, +ifl'>.N D 1-j-)l,2,(.;;>-4-RC) CASE 16439 12-7-79