University Heights Block 144 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 144 CARD 2.tif ' UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 144 Card #2 Lots 9 & 10- Permit DENIED to Guiseppe & Rosalie DeLuca to convert exist basement recreation room (See Agreement #1567) into 11th unit without providing parking space wnere 1: 1 parking is req at 4163 Florida St. betw Howard & Polk Aves., Zone R-4. APPEALED to BZA- DENIED- Z.A. sustained & affirmed APPEALED to CC- DENIED- UPHELD BZA CC Res. 198393 c-9464 8-29-69 C-9464 10-14-69 C-9464 ll-6-69 Lots 11 & 12- Permit to Florida Street Developers to const a 9-unit apt bldg with exter swy obs a 5 1 611 int sideyd, at 4153-4155 Florida St., zone R-3A. Condit. C-15334 10=24-78