University Heights Block 145 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 145 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 145 Lots 29 & 30- Buildings SB 11' from front p.l. Permit to Max. Fitzenmeyer Res. 40184 Lots 23 & 24, Rear 40 1- Filed by Walter F, Kuehner & Joseph G. McLachlan for suspension of 12889 to allow auto repair shop in existing garage with a display sign at 2120 Polk Ave.- NO ACTION BY P.C. 8-6-35 Lots 42-44- Permit DENIED to Larry H, Imig to maint a moved in gar, 66 1 from front lot line & 2' from side lot line, 4170 Mississippi St. Res. 1138 10-11-45 Lots 36 & N9' of 35- Permit to Donald C. Foulds to const 15' x 18 1 add to exist res which has only 8 1 access court to st. at 4148 Mississippi St. Res. 3493 10-20-48 Lots 41-44- Permit DENIED to Robert E. Fennell( Int.) & Joseph H. Dunningan ( Int) to relocate on premises existing indirect lighted 3' x 41 x 70" ni dble faced ground sign; sign at new location to obs O' front yd on Mississippi St., where no signs are perm in req 15' front yd; on N Lot 40 & all of Lots 41-44 at 4172 Mississippi St. betw Howard Ave. & Polk Ave., Zone R-4. c-8001 1-26-67 Lots 21 & 22- Permit to Emile Hajj to const 7' x 12 1 bedrm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 3' int sideyd where 4 1 req, 4113 Alabama St., Zone R-3A. C-13472 N.H. 1-5-76