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Development Services

University Heights Block 147 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 147 CARD 1.tif tnl'IVEMITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 147 CARD lfl,.) All Lot 18 & N 10' of 19- Permit to Laurine Long to build 3rd liv unit, lot served by 8 1 court, 4125 Louisiana. Res. 4136 9-7-49 Lot 11 & Nly 9' of 12, exc Wly 70'- Permit to Thomas Eades to const 2 bedrm addn to exist res on par w/o ded st fr., E side La. St. betw Howard & Polk Ste., condl R-4 Res. 8937 5-25-55 Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Edward.& Charlotte Turk and Michael & Melody Turk to const a 3-story, 8-unit apt bldg obs 15' rear yd and a 5' int side yd at 4185 Louisiana Street ln the R-3A Zone. Conditions. 5-23-77, C-14288.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 25, 26 and 27- Permit APPROVED by ZA to J. H. HEDRICK AND COMPANY, a CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP to erect a retaining wall approximately 7 1 611 in length and ranging from 3' to maximum 5' high, to observe at the closest point a 7 1 611 front yard where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in required 15' front yard, at 4110 Texas Street, Zone R-3A. Condition. C-17098 NH 1-22-81